Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Keyboard Shorcuts For Facebook Chat Symbols

Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii .:

Friends Facebook craze is going to sky day by day so we are trying to discover more and more facebook tricks and today I have one more facebook chat trick for my lovely blog visitors as you know here is no non working trick on our blog so you can try any trick with blind eyes but Don’t take it to your heart, Keep your eyes open while trying any trick. ha ha, And here is the list of all shortcuts

Try these codes according to your need

Alt + 1 = ☺

Alt + 2 = ☻

Alt + 3 = ♥

Alt + 4 = ♦

Alt + 5 = ♣

Alt + 6 = ♠

Alt + 7 = •

Alt + 8 = ◘

Alt + 9 = ○

Alt + 10 = ◙

Alt + 11 = ♂

Alt + 12 = ♀

Alt + 13 = ♪

Alt + 14 = ♫

Alt + 15 = ☼

Alt + 1 + 6 = ►

Alt + 1 + 7 = ◄

Alt + 1 + 8 = ↕

Alt + 1 + 9 = ‼

Alt + 2 + 0 = ¶

Alt + 0169 = © Copyright Symbol

Alt + 0153 = ™ Trademark Symbol

Alt + 0174 = ® Registered Symbol

[NOTE - If you will press "Alt + 0"  to "Alt + 9999" in facebook chatbar or anywhere else on your pc , you will get a hidden symbol behing it]

                                         ” ENJOY AND WAIT FOR NEXT “


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