Tuesday 29 October 2013


Hey friends, security is a big concern for all of us. Especially when it comes to Facebook, you would never want to get you ID get hacked and post something that embarrase you. So, we have prepared some tips
that will make your account 100% secure from attacks.



  • Many hackers start their attack from the EMail ID of your account, make sure that your EMail is hidden in your Facebook ID (all new ID are created with this feature by default).

  • Make sure you have a recovery option for your EMail ID (Like phone number, e-mail address). Check your GMail.

  • Now a days hackers can extract EMails by fetching information by apps or EMail service contacts, you should prefer not to allow to share your EMail to any such thing.

  • Changing your Facebook password is a good excercise to keep safe.

  • Do not allow any unknown app or script to access your Faebook detail.

  • Enabling secure browsing in Facebook prevents upto 90% of hack attacks.

  • Whenever you click any link outside Facebook, double check the URL if the page looks like your EMail or Facebook login page.

  • Prevent as much as possible that you not login from any stranger`s device to Facebook, any chances of Keylogger destroy here.

  • Never give your mobile to any person if you have a monile number verification system, not even let the person guess the recovery number.

If you follow all the above given tips, Computer Tricks ensures you 100% secure Facebook access to you.

If you have any suggestion, please comment. 



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